
  • Vision

    A unique  global top 10  university that serves the nation, humanity, and the Earth

  • Mission

    Create research achievements to solve challenges faced by humanity using a
    multidisciplinary collaborative research system

  • Management goal

    Establish an ecosystem for creative/risk-taking research with the world’s best research support system

Three core strategies
  • Strategic research planning as national science and technology leader
    • Systematized cultivation of global-leading research organization
    • Establishment of research culture to create innovative research outcomes
    • Discovery and cultivation of creative/risk-taking research ideas
    • Discovery of achievements to enhance KAIST’s brand value
  • Efficient researcher-oriented research administration
    • Integrated research management system for one-stop management
    • Simplification of research project operation system
    • Education to enhance research administration skills
    • Research security system protecting researchers and technology
  • Cutting-edge research infrastructure for enhanced research excellence
    • Establishment of cutting-edge research equipment
    • Professional analysis support
    • Education aimed at instilling research analysis skills (KARA Edu.)
    • Enhancing efficiency of KAIST’s research equipment management