Research security

Department: Research Security Affairs Team
Establish four major goals as Korea’s first dedicated research security organization in domestic universities to enhance research security, and perform various tasks to achieve them
  • Key tasks :

    Improve regulations and policies concerning research security; support and manage professional assessment of national core technology, strategic trade and nuclear technology, defense industry technology, and other protected technologies; provide research security education; respond to security incidents, etc.

Four major goals to enhance research security
  • Strategic
    goal 1
    • Cultivate global S&T talents
  • Strategic
    goal 2
    • Research aimed at solving challenges faced by humanity
  • Strategic
    goal 3
    • Strengthening global leadership capacity
  • Strategic
    goal 4
    • Establishment and development of startup innovation system
Details of four major goals
(Goal-1) Systematize policies related to research security
  • romote establishment of new guidelines for national protected technology, such as national core technology, strategic trade technology, and defense industry technology,
  • Maintain research security policies through monitoring of related laws, including security measures for national R&D projects
(Goal-2) Internalize research security awareness
  • Support all new members of KAIST in acquiring the capacity to prevent security incidents by expanding research security education to freshmen, new staff, laboratory heads, and laboratory security managers
(Goal-3) Professionalize research security management
  • Provide customized security consulting by forming security advisory team in cooperation with National Intelligence Service and specialized research security institutions, and visiting major laboratories,
  • Provide guidance and support for professional assessment of national protected technology to protect researchers during overseas exchange activities
(Goal-4) Improve efficiency in responding to security incidents
  • Organize and regularly manage the KAIST Security Task Force to facilitate close cooperation among teams in charge of physical security (Safety Team), technical security (Information Security Team), and administrative security (Research Security Affairs Team)