List of Project Managers

Strategic Research Planning Team
Agency Institution Project Name Team Ext.
Section Division
KAIST KAIST Creative challenge project (C2 project/leap research) Yu-jin Park Strategic Research Planning Team 2185
Cross-generation collaborative lab policy Yu-jin Park Strategic Research Planning Team 2185
Phase 4 BK21 project (general) Hye-young Kim Strategic Research Planning Team 2188
Phase 4 BK21 project Su-yeon Kim Strategic Research Planning Team 2184
Joint projects of S&T universities Hye-young Kim Strategic Research Planning Team 2188
URP program Su-jin Kim Strategic Research Planning Team 2182
Jang Yeong-sil Fellow Operations Committee Eun-hee Jeon Strategic Research Planning Team 1998
Jang Yeong-sil Fellow Program Su-yeon Jo Strategic Research Planning Team 2181
Green URP Eun-hee Jeon Strategic Research Planning Team 1998
Large-scale convergence research project Eun-hee Jeon Strategic Research Planning Team 1998
Global Singularity Operations Committee and program Eun-hee Jeon Strategic Research Planning Team 1998
Venture research program for graduate students Seung-mi Lee Strategic Research Planning Team 2183
Public Research Affairs Team
Agency Institution Project Name Team Ext.
Section Division
Ministry of Science and ICT/Ministry of Education National Research Foundation of Korea Basic research projects in science and engineering -Global leader of researcher support projects, Global maching type projects
-Group Research> Regional Leading Research Center, SRC, ERC, CRC, Basic Research Laboratory
Eun-seon Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2191
- Outstanding new researchers, Sejong Science Fellowship (general, overseas training), creative challenge, first in a lifetime, re-leap, protected research support, Interdisciplinary convergence, university-based research institute support, Infrastructure support for new researchers Do-young Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2192
-Basic research Jin-Hee Youn Public Research Affairs Team 2195
- Master's& Doctoral student research encouragement grant Bon-Seung Koo Public Research Affairs Team 2193
- Mid-career researcher support projects (new and follow-up, new and mid-career integration) Bon-Seung Koo Public Research Affairs Team 2193
- Mid-career researcher support projects
- New and mid-career integration, new and follow-up
Kwang-suk Lee Public Research Affairs Team 2198
Source technology development projects San-ho Jeon Public Research Affairs Team 2196
-Biomedicine Jeong-eun Nam Public Research Affairs Team 1432
Big science R&D projects Jin-Hee Youn Public Research Affairs Team 2195
International cooperation projects Eun-seon Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2191
Support for MOU with international institutions Eun-seon Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2191
Nuclear R&D projects - Nuclear safety, etc. Yun-Mi Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2194
R&D special zone projects San-ho Jeon Public Research Affairs Team 2196
Education personnel training projects Jin-Hee Youn Public Research Affairs Team 2195
Academic/humanities projects Jin-Hee Youn Public Research Affairs Team 2195
NRF Research planning projects Eun-seon Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2191
Governmental All-stage medical device R&D projects Do-young Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2192
Ministry of Health and Welfare Korea Health Industry Development Institute Do-young Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2192
National Cancer Center Do-young Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2192
Ministry of Science and ICT Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity Bon-Seung Koo Public Research Affairs Team 2193
Korea Institute of Science & Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP) Eun-seon Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2191
Korea Foundation for Women In Science, Engineering and Technology (WISET) Yun-Mi Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2194
National Research Council of Science and Technology (NST) Do-young Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2192
Korea Institute of Human Resources Development in Science and Technology (KIRD) National Real Challenge Program Kwang-suk Lee Public Research Affairs Team 2198
Other institutions (government-funded research institutions) Internal research project Kwang-suk Lee Public Research Affairs Team 2198
Commercializations Promotion Agency for R&D Outcomes Jeong-eun Nam Public Research Affairs Team 1432
Institute for Information & communication Technology Planning & evaluation (IITP) Ju-yeon Lee Public Research Affairs Team 1433
National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA) Ju-yeon Lee Public Research Affairs Team 1433
Korea Data Agency (KDATA) Ju-yeon Lee Public Research Affairs Team 1433
National Information Society Agency (NIA) Ju-yeon Lee Public Research Affairs Team 1433
Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) Ju-yeon Lee Public Research Affairs Team 1433
Ministry of the Interior and Safety National Disaster Management Research Institute Ju-yeon Lee Public Research Affairs Team 1433
Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute Ju-yeon Lee Public Research Affairs Team 1433
National Police Agency Ju-yeon Lee Public Research Affairs Team 1433
Korea Institute of Police Technology Ju-yeon Lee Public Research Affairs Team 1433
Local autonomous groups Ju-yeon Lee Public Research Affairs Team 1433
KAIST KAIST Internal research project Yun-Mi Kim Public Research Affairs Team 2194
Korea Science Academy R&E Jin-Hee Youn Public Research Affairs Team 2195
HRP Jin-Hee Youn Public Research Affairs Team 2195
General Research Affairs Team
Agency Institution Project Name Team Ext.
Section Division
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement AI-based gas oil plant operation and maintenance technology development project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Construction and transport technology R&D project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Construction technology research project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Transport and logistics research project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Land and transport DNA_ convergence technology graduate school project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Land and transport technology commercialization support project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Land and transport technology R&D project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Region-specific land and transport technology project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Land and transport technology development project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Land and transport R&D project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Land and transport research planning project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Nanotechnology-based multi-functional lightweight hyper-concrete technology development Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Data-based air transport management technology development project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Unmanned aircraft safety support technology development project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Water management research project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Commercial liquefied hydrogen plant technology development Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Technology development to strengthen regenerative capacity of declining areas Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Hydrogen bus safety evaluation technology and equipment development project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Smart construction technology development project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Smart city national strategy project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Self-driving technology innovation project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Low-carbon high-efficiency construction technology development project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Rail technology research project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Plant research project Sung-yun Jeong General Research Affairs Team 1931
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Cultural Heritage Administration Cultural heritage technology development project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Korea Creative Content Agency Culture technology R&D support project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Cultural content industrial technology support project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Government investment Korea Electric Power Corporation Service projects So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power In-house projects of other institutions So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Korea Water Resources Corporation In-house projects of other institutions So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Other agencies Other agencies Research projects of other agencies So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Service projects So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Ministry of National Defense Agency for Defense Development Future defense technology R&D project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Civil-military research project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Core technology R&D project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Korea Research Institute for Defense Technology Planning and Advancement Unmanned system domestication support project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Defense industry innovation cluster project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Industry-academy-research institution core technology R&D project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Institute of Civil Military Technology Cooperation Civil-military research project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion Advanced port logistics technology development project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Oceans and fisheries R&D project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Maritime safety and maritime transport facility technology development So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Maritime equipment development and infrastructure project So-young Kim General Research Affairs Team 1934
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology EDRC Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
R&D outcome re-discovery project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
AR expert training project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Gangwon Province advanced laser R&D support project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Economic cooperation zone fostering project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Advanced management program Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Wide-area economic zone institutional support project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
National innovation cluster support project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
International technology cooperation project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
New regional industry fostering project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Technology exchange network project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Technology commercialization foundation platform Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Semiconductor infrastructure support project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Technology development project for commercialization Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Industrial technology infrastructure development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Industrial technology innovation project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Industrial convergence technology promotion project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Industrial innovation infrastructure development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Industrial innovative talent growth support R&D Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Smart digital engineering expert training project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
System semiconductor design expert training project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
World-class plus project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Automobile industry technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Medium-sized company DNA industry-academy cooperation project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Intelligent semiconductor expert training project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Intelligent economy technology innovation project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Regional industrial hub support project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Regional industry support project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Major regional industry fostering project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Specialized regional industry fostering project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Next-generation semiconductor design expert training project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning Industrial technology development innovation project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Industrial technology innovation project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
International joint research for energy Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Energy technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Korea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement Demand-based service robot development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Ministry of SMEs and Startups Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs K-appsist technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Tech-Bridge commercialization technology development (R&D) Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Process/quality technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Purchase-conditional new product development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Technology innovation development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Data infrastructure development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Private investment-led technology startup project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Industry-academy-research institution technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Material/parts/equipment strategic cooperation technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Demand-based technology transfer project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Export company technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Smart manufacturing innovation technology development project (R&D) Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Research equipment joint utilization support project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Strategic startup project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Manufacturing data AI-based problem-solving consulting and solution support project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Small and medium-sized company industry-university-research institution cooperation project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Small and medium-sized company technology development support project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Commercial technology development for small and medium-sized companies Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Specialized regional industry fostering+(R&D) Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Startup growth technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Startup growth technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Innovative company technology development Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Ministry of Environment Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute Non-CO2 greenhouse gas reduction technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Global top environmental technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Innovative waterworks technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Eco-smart waterworks system development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Environmental technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Korea Meteorological Administration Korea Meteorological Institute Climate and earthquake See-At technology development project Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Ministry of Education National Research Foundation of Korea Next-generation academic projects (post-doc domestic/overseas training) Ye-seul Ahn General Research Affairs Team 1935
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology Drone-robot heavy cargo multi-modal delivery technology development Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Private-public joint investment semiconductor expert training Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Core bioindustry technology development project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Composite material manufacturing technology Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Industrial technology innovation project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Outstanding company-affiliated research institute fostering project (ATC+) Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Disaster safety cooperation technology development project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Eco-friendly ship core technology development Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Korea Industrial Complex Corporation Industrial complex R&BD capacity enhancement project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Industrial technology innovation project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Smart manufacturing R&D project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Central Research Institute Academic research service project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture and Forestry Livestock disease response technology development project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
High value-added food technology development project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Agriculture, livestock and food R&D project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Agriculture, livestock and food R&D project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Agricultural energy independence technology development Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Advanced agricultural machinery industrial technology development Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Livestock issue response technology development project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Rural Development Administration Agricultural science and technology development joint research project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Agricultural growth engine research Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Expansion of bioengineering commercialization Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Next-generation bio-green 21 Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Korea Forest Service Korea Forestry Promotion Institute Forestry science and technology R&D project Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation Next-generation medical product evaluation infrastructure establishment Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Ministry of Science and ICT Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute ETRI outsourcing Cheol-hyun Yu General Research Affairs Team 1937
Ministry of National Defense Air Force Headquarters Research services Chil-seong Choi General Research Affairs Team 1936
Air Force Academy Research services Chil-seong Choi General Research Affairs Team 1936
Agency for Defense Development Research services Chil-seong Choi General Research Affairs Team 1936
Army Headquarters Research services Chil-seong Choi General Research Affairs Team 1936
Navy Headquarters Research services Chil-seong Choi General Research Affairs Team 1936
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Research services Chil-seong Choi General Research Affairs Team 1936
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korea Traditional Performing Arts Foundation Research services Chil-seong Choi General Research Affairs Team 1936
Ministry of Health and Welfare Ministry of Health and Welfare Research services Chil-seong Choi General Research Affairs Team 1936
Other agencies Other agencies Outsourcing projects pursuant to other national agreement and regional agreement laws Chil-seong Choi General Research Affairs Team 1936
Industries Other than Samsung Group Industrial R&D project Um-ji Lee General Research Affairs Team 1938
Consortium research project Um-ji Lee General Research Affairs Team 1938
Industries Samsung Group Industrial R&D project Seul-Ki Jung General Research Affairs Team 1940
Small-sum research project Seul-Ki Jung General Research Affairs Team 1940
Foreign institutions Foreign institutions Foreign research projects Seul-Ki Jung General Research Affairs Team 1940