Research organization status

Installation criteria
KAIST research center

Installed by the president following deliberation by the research committee (Strategic Research Planning Team) if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied, and academic contributions, operating expenses, and space are verified

  • Center project with research contract of KRW 1 billion or more per year or a total of KRW 3 billion or more over three years
  • Center project with KAIST-absorbed O/H of KRW 200 million or more per year or a total of KRW 600 million or more in the initial three years
  • Where the funding institute specifies the installation and operation of an independent center as a condition of the research agreement
  • Where the establishment of the center is expected to enhance the reputation of KAIST and contribute to the strengthening of education/research capabilities
General research center

Installed by the president following deliberation by the research institute operating committee if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied, and academic contributions, operating expenses, and space are verified

  • Center project with research contract of KRW 500 million or more per year or a total of KRW 1.5 billion or more over three years
  • Center project with KAIST-absorbed O/H of KRW 100 million or more per year or a total of KRW 300 million or more in the initial three years
  • Other special circumstances necessitating the installation and operation of general research centers in the field of business, economics, humanities and social sciences, university-industry cooperation, etc.
Evaluation criteria
KAIST research center

The research committee determines once every three years whether eligibility can be maintained based on the following. “Center project” refers to a project in which two or more professors participate, and is aligned with the objectives of the center.

  • Center project with research contract of KRW 1 billion or more per year or a total of KRW 3 billion or more over three years
  • Center project with KAIST-absorbed O/H of KRW 200 million or more per year or a total of KRW 600 million or more in the initial three years
  • Where the main project has ended but the follow-up project is aligned with the center’s founding purpose, or follow-up plans are recognized by the committee
General research center

The research institute operating committee determines once every three years whether eligibility can be maintained based on the following. “Center project” refers to a project in which two or more professors participate, and is aligned with the objectives of the center.

  • Center project with research contract of KRW 500 million or more per year or a total of KRW 1.5 billion or more over three years
  • Center project with KAIST-absorbed O/H of KRW 100 million or more per year or a total of KRW 300 million or more in the initial three years
  • Where the main project has ended but the follow-up project is aligned with the center’s founding purpose, or follow-up plans are recognized by the committee